Pirmās paaudzes RAV-4?

onkuls Reģ.: 30.07.2003

Kāda pieredze, komentāri par pirmās paaudzes RAV-4?

onkuls Reģ.: 30.07.2003
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Gnoms rakstīja: pieredze zero

komentāri - nakuj tev to vajag?

nu ā.. nakuj ir ap 70%... vajag- alikušie

batka Reģ.: 17.01.2007
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Grabuliga mizu kaste,mazliet ertaka ka ņiva

martinello Reģ.: 15.03.2003
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labāk paņem šitādu!


shmurger Reģ.: 29.10.2006
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martinello rakstīja: labāk paņem šitādu!


nu , panjems! a kas no taa???

VWfans Reģ.: 21.02.2004
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Jūnijā pirmās paaudzes (2004.gada) RAV-4 biju paņēmis nomā uz vienu dienu. Mašīnai bija 2 litru benzīnmotors, automātiskā ātrumkārba un 40 tūkst.km nobraukums. Iespaids palika nu tāds visai viduvējs, jo pa tipiskajām pašvaka seguma Latvijas šosejām tā diezgan stipri zvalstījās - pie ātruma 85-100 km/h robežās trūka stabilitātes sajūtas. Katrā ziņā Meriva šādos režīmos ir daudz patīkamāka. Pa grants ceļu ar RAV-4 bija vairāk jūtami trokšņi no ceļa un stabilitāte bija mazāka nekā Merivai.

RAV-4 plusi:

- augstā sēdpozīcija, kas deva lielisku pārredzamību;

- plašs bagāžnieks;

- teicama klimatkontroles darbība;

- ir atsauksmes, ka RAV4 tehniski ir visai uzticams.

Degvielas patēriņš, nobraucot kopā 450 km (apmēram 80% pa šosejām ar ātrumu 75-105 km/h, 10% pa grants ceļu ar 50-70 km/h un 10% pa pilsētām), bija 8,5 litri uz 100 km.

Kopumā man nozīmīgāki šķita Toyota-RAV4 mīnusi, un sev es tādu nepirktu.

martinello Reģ.: 15.03.2003
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fans putrojas! pirma paaudze nāk no 1994gada līdz2000.

First generation (1994–2000)

The RAV4 was originally based on the Corolla platform, and was offered in both two and four-door versions. In the US, a 2.0 L I4 engine producing 120 hp was offered. Both Front wheel drive and Four-wheel drive were available, and the RAV4 could be had with either a five-speed manual or four-speed automatic transmission. In 1998, the RAV4 was slightly restyled on the front and rear fascias, and a soft-top two-door was made available exclusively in the US market. Horsepower was increased slightly to 127. In 1999, the two-door hardtop was dropped from the American lineup, leaving the 4-door and soft-top models.

One interesting version, the RAV4 EV, was an all-electric 'zero-emission' model offered for sale in low quantities in California. These models came with a 60,000-mile battery warranty, and the vehicles still command high prices on the used-car market. One sold in 2006 on eBay for over US$50,000.

A significant criticism of the gasoline-powered first generation RAV4s, often called '4.1s', was that they were underpowered, and had relatively poor fuel economy via their 3SFE engines that were designed for earlier Camrys and 1987-1989 Toyota Celica GT, 1990-1993 S-R and Z-R, as well as 1994-1999 SS-I. Later generations of RAV4s, the so-called '4.2s' and '4.3s', have addressed this concern. Like most other Toyotas, all RAV4s have earned the reputation of high reliability, and have enjoyed high resale values.



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