LU aptauja satiksmes dalībiekiem

IneseM Reģ.: 10.10.2007
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Liepajniex Reģ.: 10.08.2007
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Aptauja likās ļoti sakarīga, un jautājumi ar. Cerēs, ka tiks izlikti arī aptaujas rezultāti...

Huligaans Reģ.: 01.04.2006
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Man nekaadi jautaajumi neveras valjaa... :hvz:

Intruder Reģ.: 26.02.2002
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The Requested Survey ID 391235 could not be found.

There could be multiple reasons for not finding the survey :-

The URL to the Survey is incorrect (The URL Should Contain the Survey ID)

The Owner of the Survey has deleted the survey off the system

The Survey itself has been De-Activated

Please Check the URL and Try Again. Click Here to go the Home Page

Uggga Reģ.: 04.01.2006
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Rādās, ka aptauja būs beigusies vai arī beidzies tā saita izmantošanas laiks?

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