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saliekot ēdamo zem visām panckām kas bažagniekā bez ledusskapja var iztikt pat Sahāras tuksnesī.
te kāds gribēja īsu pārstāstu par pasākumu.
Diemžēl, lai iztulkotu, Vizmas Belševicas talanta būtu par maz.
Un tagad līdz 27.02 manis iauto nebūs. Jo es esot lamājies.
Izveidoju nesmaidiigo tikai lai pabeigtu šo tekstu, un pilnībā nopublicētu Balvu Pasniegšanas Tekstu pilnā apmērā.
Best Porsche
• the Allegro (for style)
• the Sunny D (for ***iness)
• the Hearse (for donutting ability and general insouciance)
• the Peugeot 205 (for speed and agility)
And the winner is: the Hearse
Special Award for Services to Drinking
• the Shaguar boys, for never failing to have a beer open by 10am
• Jon and Carl in the Rover, for always procuring additional beers from their bottomless boot when the surprising number of woefully understocked and underprepared Baltic bars ran out of booze
• Chris, for his epic final two day bender
• Pete. Enough said.
And the winner (somewhat controversially) is: Jon and Carl in the Rover
The Austin Powers Award for International Man of Mystery
• Rob, for unexpected and super suave piano playing abilities, magnificent nonchalance and insouciance while swimming in a frozen Estonian lake, maintenance of cool at all times and superlative suit-wearing on the final day
• Brad, for services to womankind, specifically managing to be the only boy in a sauna full of girls whipping each other, making full use of the orgy room and on-ice backing dancer abilities
• Carl, for word-perfect acapella karaoke and awe inspiring breakdancing abilities
And the winner of perhaps the most close run contest of these awards: Brad
Honourable Mentions in Dispatches
• The Allegro: for pulling off one of the best bodges in the history of banger rallying
• Carl: for dropping 30MPH off his speedo when asked to sing the chorus of Yellow Submarine and drive at the same time, thus conclusively proving that men can’t multi-task
• The Lewis Hamilton Rookie award: the Shaguar: for an epic paint job and nearly stealing the event on their first ever rally
• The Blonde Bombshells: for still being unable to work out the time difference between London and Latvia after nine days away
• Paddy: for being the best dad ever
• The Sunny D: for being the ultimate Car of Love and banger rallying’s first mobile orgy
uupis rakstīja:
smaidiigais rakstīja: tādi irr, bet tie ir jopanie rīdzinieki kas pa lielceļu kreisē uz tiem pašiem 70 kā pa savu lielmiestu
Nedomāju ka tie ir kādi konkrētam miestam vai apvidum piesieti indivīdi. Manuprāt tas atkarīgs no paša indivīda nevis deklarācijas vietas. Lai gan ko var zināt – kāda radiācija kurā vietā.
nepareizi. Tie ir indivīdi, kam jau berģi un ķekava ir milzumtālu, un pasākums aizbraukt uz siguldu tiek plānots pusgadu uz priekšu. pa pilsētu ar savu pepelacu viņš zin un prot gāzēt, bet izbraucis uz platas un tukšas šosejas apjūk:![](/images/forum/icons/icon_biggrin.gif)