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Performace of the 9000 -93 Aero is easily upgraded.
It was equipped with Mitsubishi TD04-15G, which has a max capacity of around 300 bhp.
For -93, SAAB introduced the award-winning engine managment system TRIONIC (-93 in ver.5.2 , from -94> ver. 5.5) .
A first upgrade that can give ~280 bhp+ , would be to modify the ECU (the box itself with the electronics for
engine management) , and to change the exhaust system to 3" , plus an open air filter.
- - You´ve already changed to 3" ( AND a sport cat - YOU´LL HAVE CRED FOR THAT !! THANX !! - WE ALL
NEED MOTHER NATURE !! ) , so the only thing except an open air filter you need for a +55 bhp increase
is a modified box . Nice , huh ? ! Price for such an upgraded box should be around 500 Euro .
I STRONGLY recommend professional tuners that work with these upgrades for a living. Here are links to
Swedish tuning companies that have good reputation , and that I believe offer good products AND good
support and service :
Speedparts - most SAAB-parts you will ever need : regular spare parts , and (of course) tuning parts (turbos et.c.)
MapTun - very succsessful SAAB tuning company - check out their ultimate 440 bhp / 550 Nm stage 7 kit !
Or this one :
SQR - involved in pure racing w SAABs - one of the leading persons in the Swedish Turbo Club ( STCS ) has built
one 2.0 litre ng900 w 600+ bhp ( ) in cooperation with SQR. And they´re friendly .
BSR - excellent level of expertise knowledge ! Environmental consious !
- - also worth mentioning is Trollspeed ; arguably the hottest ultra high level of SAAB-tuning on earth !
But Trollspeed are really pricey - it´s expensive to get the best .
Their address & phone :
Trollspeed AB
Smedstorp Åsaka
46195 Trollhättan
Tel: (+46) 520-424398
Fax: (+46) 520-424419
OK. Now to some thoughts of myself.
Gearboxes are a notorious weak point on tuned SAABs.
On your -93 Aero, you probably have the "45-kph" gearbox , introduced in 1993.
In 1994 , both engine and gearbox were changed to a new generation : the "short-engine",
and consequently the "short-box". As far as I know , the gearing before -93 was "40-kph".
(That means that the car goes 40 kph at exactly 1,000 rpm in 5 th gear. OK ?)
To sum it up : the "long-engine" was made up to and in 1993 ( and of course the "long-box" ),
and the gearing was "45-kph" from 1993 > on .
So, you have a rare gearbox, and should take care of it !
Typically , the BRUTAL TORQUE of a tuned SAAB engine is what breaks the gearboxes ,
and that brutal torque is MOST HARMFUL AT LOW RPM´s.
One way to reduce the risk of failure is :
a BIGGER TURBO will not respond as hard as a smaller one IN THE LOWER rpm range.
A bigger turbo will gradually build pressure , so that torque and power comes smoother , and
at higher revs ( 3,000 rpm > ) . I know that a big(ger) turbo with good response is EXPENSIVE ,
but you also get the advantage of higher capacity than the small TD04-15.
For example, a TD04-19T (found on Volvo V70XC) , has a capacity up to ca 400 bhp , compared to
the TD04-15 that , as I mentioned , has its limit at around 280-300bhp - and then it´s GLOWING HOT !
And you could probably sell the TD04-15 : on 9k , they have the #6 exhaust housing that´s
attractive among SAAB-"tweakers" (the newer 9--5s and og9-3s have the same turbo - TD04-15x - but
with the #5 exhaust = too small for tuning , and Volvos have the same turbo but with #7 exh. housing = too big
for such a small turbo) . But don´t sell it until you´re sure you don´t want it - it might be hard to find again.
The "blow-off valve" will probably not add any power at all.
There are people the have mounted double standard valves (and saved lots of money) .
But I know young people often like to spend money on those shiny blue, red, green, pink, or whathaveyou
valves - many times to get a special "sound" ( JUST LIKE IN "FAST&FURIOUS" !) Hehe...
Capacity of the standars valves is good for ~350 bhp or so. ( Under that, you don´t even have to double them ).
(And they´re really cheap to replace if they don´t fuction as they should).
The Trionic system measures cylinder combustion for EACH STROKE , and INDIVIDUALLY for each
cyllinder . It measures ionisation in the cylinder through the spark plug ( that´s why it´s important to
use the correct model AND make : NGK BCPR 7ESII , w correct electrode gap : 1,1 mm . Nothing else ! ).
It compensates for pre-igniton (knock), uneven combustion, intake air temperature and -desity (cold air
has much higher density - that´s why most engines feel stronger on a cold morning or after rain) , fuel burn
characteristics (i.e. octane R.O.N.). The system also "learns" the best settings of boost pressure, fuel/air
mixture, ignition timing, at all different conditions of speed, throttle position, air density, fuel quality et.c. ,
so the system is ADAPTIVE.
The way to control the engine´s power is already there : the throttle pedal.
( Let TRIONIC do all changing of everything - my tip ).
iet pa skaistam ar smuku dobju skanju tagad
es ar kaut kaa nevienu vairs nemanu. mosh citaa pilseetaa esmu? bet laikam pie vainas buus tas ka vainu gulju vai straadaaju un ielaas parasti esmu agri no riita vai naktii...