ceļojums uz Timbuktu - Forums - iAuto

ceļojums uz Timbuktu

aizejošais Reģ.: 23.05.2005
snow Reģ.: 03.05.2002
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smaidiigais rakstīja: www.kakao.lv/...

nu forshi johaidi !!!

TDI Reģ.: 29.01.2002
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Gnoms rakstīja: mjā...


s priljotom Teu

plamamba Reģ.: 28.02.2003
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nedaudz offtopic par Timbuktu:

In the USA there is a gameshow where you have to make up short poems containing a special word with in one minute. In the final show there are only two people left: A rabby from New York and a farmer from NZ. They get the word "Timbouktou". The rabby is first. He starts: "I was a rabby all my life, I loved my children and my wife, I read the bible through and through and I did it on my way to Timbouktou". The audiance is fascinated. Nobody belives that the farmer could top this. Now he starts:"When Tim and I to Melbourne went, we ment some ladys in a tent, they were three and we were two, I booked one and Tim booked two."

tetis Reģ.: 29.01.2004
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TDI rakstīja:

Gnoms rakstīja: mjā...


s priljotom Teu

no kurienes ta tas auns atlidojamagadanas

aizejošais Reģ.: 23.05.2005
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smaidiigais rakstīja: www.kakao.lv/...

ar reindžu droši ka cisternu benzina izkurināja...


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