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150zs rakstīja: Parasti čīkst tikai sievietes un vecas gultas!
tuncis rakstīja:
pirdiens rakstīja: Ta vienalga. Mehānisms, domāju, ir apmēram vienāds.
Apmēram vienāds... Paņem kafijas dzirnaviņas un apskaties - tur arī motorīts asmeņus griež!
Cik dienas tev vajag ar tām dzirnaviņām piemājas gazonu pļaujot?
Ta vienalga. Mehānisms, domāju, ir apmēram vienāds.
Raser rakstīja: Lūk šādas mašīnas tiks iepirktas saskaņā ar konkursa specifikāciju
Nez kas sanāk
2.5 motors ; 4X4 ; ~220Zs ; sedans. Domas?
Reto rakstīja:
viktors1961 rakstīja:
AutoNets rakstīja: Man darba kolegjei pie biroja nozaga numura zimes. Pecpusdiena aizbrauca uz CSDD un nakama rita jau bija mashina ar citam numura zimem.
Diemžēl provincē to litu taisa nedēļu
Diez, kurā pasaules malā tā province atrodas?
Auto reģistrācija ilgst nedēļu? Ir jau tas CSDD savdabīgs iestādījums, bet kaut ko tādu dzirdu pirmo reizi!
Provincē pat mēnesi taisa nr. ja tie ir pasūtītie vai galbāšanā (jo katru dienu uz Lielpilsētu šie nebrauc). Bet tekošo sēriju var dabūt uz reiz!
Tad jau vajag iepirkt Hammer'us, lai var nospiest ceļmalā!
Ja beidzās freons- nepūš aukstu gaisu.
Bet var taču ziedot bērniem. Katru dienu pa TV skandina! Kaut reizi esi pazvanījis
Nez kādas ripiņas viņš ēdis..?
Lūk, kur variants:
Kas jums nepietiek ar citām lapām Arī šeit sāksies .... kuram taisnība un kurš prezi_s būtu labāks!
A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program.
The next day, there's a knock on the door and there standing before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a pair of Nike running shoes and a sign round her neck. She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss company.
The sign reads: >>>"If you can catch me, you can have me."
Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles
later, huffing and puffing, he finally catches her and has his way with her. The same girl shows up for the next four days and the same thing happens.
On the fifth day, he weighs himself and is delighted to find he has lost 10 promised.
He then calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program. The next day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life.
She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around her neck that reads: "If you catch me, you can have me."
Well, he's out the door after her like a shot! This girl is in
excellent shape and it takes him a while to catch her; but when he does, it's definitely worth every muscle cramp and wheeze. So for the next four days, the same routine happens. Much to his delight, on the fifth day he weighs himself to discover that he has lost another 20 lb as promised.
He decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the
7-day/50 pound program. "Are you sure?" asks the representative on the phone, "This is our most rigorous program."
"Absolutely, " he replies, "I haven't felt this good in years."
The next day there's a knock at the door and he runs like hell to open the door. When he opens the door he finds this huge, muscular, 7ft man standing there wearing nothing but pink running shoes and a sign around his neck that reads:
"I'm Francis. If I catch you, you're mine."
Neviens sievasmāti nav piedāvājis līdzbraucējos?
Ātrākais variants, izsist aizmugurējo durvju mazo lodziņu. Pēc tam šrotā nopērc un ieliec. Bet var arī zvanīt atslēgu vīlēšanas kantoriem, viņi jau nodarbojās arī ar auto durvju atvēršanu.
Japāņu šovi
Tak uzsit normāli ar kulaku pa paneli, gan atgriezīsies gaisma!
kliks rakstīja:
Dzīvokļa pārbaude ji-bioi
Vai arī šitādus!!
Karstā vasara klāt - noķer kādu čūsku un iestutē salonā.
Tai jau siltums patīk. Lai gozējās uz šofera beņķa!
Gaidi padomus par Tolmetu
Topika nosaukums jau laps